Federation Square Project Architecture
Ph.: © Tony Miller, Lab X

Federation Square

Melbourne | Australia
Business Area
ARCHITECTLAB Architecture Studio
Ph.: © Tony Miller, Lab X
The Concept

Federation Square is a 3.6 hectare civic space consisting of nine separate buildings with an open air amphitheater that can accommodate up to 25,000 people plus cultural and commercial buildings, home to the Ian Potter Centre, the Australian Centre for Moving Image, the Koorie Heritage Trust and several restaurants and bars. Since opening in 2002, Fed Square has seen more than 100 million visits and been named the 6th Best Public Square in the World.


The building façade system distinguishes the individual buildings of Federation Square through their spatial and surface geometries, applying the fractal concept; indeed they are clearly distinct while still maintaining an overall site coherence. Only three materials are used: sandstone, perforated and solid zinc, and glass. By varying the proportions of the façade materials within the triangular grid and combining them in different ways - changing the patterns or figures - unique surface qualities are developed, not only for each building but even for the different façade orientations.

The Project
Scope of Work

12,000 sqm (129,200 sq ft) of sandstone, perforated zinc and glass façade; atrium - 7,500 sqm (80,700 sq ft) - arcade - 1,800 sqm (19,400 sq ft).

Technical Details

DEVELOPER: Office of Major Project - Victorian State Government

ARCHITECT: Lab architecture studio + Bates Smart, a Joint Venture

ENGINEER: Atelier One

CONTRACTOR: Multiplex Constructions Pty Ltd.

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