David H. Koch Center Project Canvas
Ph.: © Lester Ali Photography

NewYork-Presbyterian David H. Koch Center

New York, NY | USA
Business Area
Ph.: © Lester Ali Photography
The Concept

Located at York Avenue and 68th Street, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the NewYork-Presbyterian David H. Koch Center is a state-of-the-art facility that provides integrated, cutting-edge treatment for digestive diseases, cancer, and more, with a hospital for women and newborns that will open in summer 2020. The design of this distinctive, world-class 68,190 sqm (734,000 sq ft) ambulatory care center is based upon a patient-centered approach. The circulation spaces are mainly located on the exterior edge of the structure, which features an all-glass façade, while the core spaces allow flexible, reconfigurable use of the rooms.  


Featuring an innovative environmental design, the facility adopts a series of sustainable practices - such as an extensive green roof, high-efficiency LED lighting, water-conserving equipment and high-performance curtain wall - in order to improve its energy efficiency. More precisely, the customized façade features a curtain wall with an integrated wood screen and a white toned frit pattern of wavy vertical lines on the outer glass surface. The glass and aluminum unitized system allows for an optimal use of daylight thus guaranteeing its restorative properties and reducing heat gain and glare, but at the same time preserving city views. The benefits related to the use of this state-of-the-art envelope, designed by world-renowned architectural studio Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, result in an excellent quality of stay in the interior rooms. The NewYork-Presbyterian David H. Koch Center is the first project in New York City to earn certification under the LEED Healthcare rating system, and the first project in New York State to earn LEED Gold® under the Healthcare rating system.

The Spirit

An all-glass facade was suggested by the fact that the exterior edge of the building is primarily circulation space. The insertion of a wood screen into the triple-glazed assembly and application of a frit pattern on the inner surface of the outer pane together give the curtain wall its distinctive character, achieving richness and variety in the glazed surface in a form that is readily constructible and highly sustainable, without intruding into the usable space of the interior...


Henry Cobb, Pei Cobb Freed & Partners

The Project
Scope of Work

Design & engineering, manufacture and installation of 28,500 sqm (307,400 sq ft) of glass and aluminum curtain wall.

Technical Details

OWNER: NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital



CONSULTING ARCHITECT: Pei Cobb Freed & Partners (building envelope and lobby)

CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Turner Construction Company

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